Monday, December 10, 2012

If anyone is wanting to know where cool doctor who stuff is, look no further than! I went to it and i have seen all the amazing things that they have. Not a whovian? Well they have lots of other stuff as well!

I know that not many people read my blog, but if you have questions or comments or even ideas for new posts, just contact me at!      XOXO  Sadie

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

 ( Oh and by the way, if you did not know what the big, blue box is on the top of the page, it is the doctor's time machine a.k.a. the T.A.R.D.I.S.) The doctor is a time lord and he is the last of the time lords. Most of the time lords died because of the awful war between the time lords and the daleks. In 2005, the doctor gets a new assistant who's name is Rose Tyler and then many episodes later, the doctor regenerates. After Rose gets left in a different time stream, the doctor gets his next assistant, Martha Jones. Much later he leaves Martha and gets another assistant. Her name is Donna Noble. Many more episodes later, the doctor regenerates again and gets his youngest assistant, Amelia Pond. She meets the doctor when she is a kid and then waits 12 years for the doctor to come back and has to live those 12 years remembering his words, "I'll be back in 5 minutes." Amy Pond  is also the first assistant  to have a husband and a child.    





Monday, December 3, 2012


Hello readers and other readers, I am going to introduce my new blog. Of course, if you know what the title of my blog is, you will probably have already found out that I am a huge whovian. ( very big doctor who fan.) And when i say huge I mean HUGE. I have been loving the series since I was about 5-6 years old. So if you don't know much about doctor who, you might be able to catch on here. if you are a whovian, then you get to read and experience my fantastic blog.


                    This is the official 2010 doctor who theme song ( if you didn't already know.)

                     (if the video does not work, just type this in on your computer to take you to the link. )